Parental alienation is a term that has gained significant attention in recent years, particularly in child custody cases. It refers to a situation where one parent systematically undermines the relationship between the child and the other parent in an attempt to weaken the bond and turn the child against the targeted parent. Parental alienation can have detrimental effects on the emotional well-being of the child and can severely damage the parent-child relationship.

Recognizing parental alienation and understanding its impact on child custody cases is crucial for any parent navigating this challenging issue. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of parental alienation, its legal implications, and how a skilled family law attorney can help you address this complex matter in your child’s best interests.

Parental alienation can manifest through various behaviors, including making disparaging comments about the other parent, restricting communication between the child and the other parent, or attempting to convince the child that the other parent does not care for them. These actions can result in the child feeling confused, conflicted, and emotionally torn between their parents. In more severe cases, children subjected to parental alienation may completely reject the targeted parent, leading to long-lasting emotional and psychological harm.

While courts have become increasingly aware of the impact of parental alienation on child custody cases, addressing and proving this phenomenon can be challenging. The court must consider the best interests of the child, and parental alienation is one of many factors that can influence custody decisions. To navigate the intricacies of parental alienation in child custody cases, it is essential to work with an experienced family law attorney who can advocate for your rights and the best interests of your child.

If you suspect parental alienation is happening in your child custody case, contact Zhamakochyan Family Law for a consultation. Our team of compassionate and knowledgeable professionals will work closely with you to develop a strategy that protects your child’s well-being and your relationship with them.

Identifying Signs of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation can manifest through various behaviors. Some common signs that a parent may be engaging in parental alienation include:

1. Making disparaging comments: The alienating parent might consistently criticize or belittle the other parent in front of the child, leading the child to develop a negative perception of the targeted parent.

2. Restricting communication: The alienating parent may interfere with or limit the child’s contact with the other parent, effectively isolating the child from the targeted parent.

3. Excessive control: The alienating parent may insist on being present during all interactions between the child and the other parent, controlling the situation and potentially preventing the child from building a natural, unguarded relationship with the targeted parent.

4. Creating unfounded fears: The alienating parent may instill unnecessary fear or anxiety in the child regarding the other parent, making the child fearful of spending time with them.

Legal Implications of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation can have a significant impact on child custody cases, as courts are obligated to prioritize the best interests of the child. Key legal implications include:

1. Custodial consequences: If parental alienation is proven, the court may adjust the custodial arrangements to minimize the damage of the alienation, including modifying visitation rights or even transferring custody to the targeted parent.

2. Court-ordered interventions: In some cases, the court may require educational programs, therapy, or counseling for the alienating parent, the targeted parent, and/or the child to help address and mitigate the impact of parental alienation.

3. Contempt of court: If a parent is found to have deliberately violated a court order to facilitate parental alienation, they may face penalties, including fines or even jail time.

Addressing Parental Alienation with a Family Law Attorney

Navigating the intricacies of parental alienation in child custody cases requires the guidance of an experienced family law attorney. A skilled attorney can help you:

1. Gather evidence: Proving parental alienation can be challenging, and your attorney can assist you in gathering and presenting evidence of the alienating behavior, such as documenting conversations, keeping records of missed visitations, or obtaining testimony from expert witnesses like therapists or counselors.

2. Advocate for your rights: In court, your attorney will serve as a strong advocate for your rights as a parent and for the best interests of your child, arguing against any harmful alienating behaviors and presenting a case for fair custody arrangements.

3. Pursue court-ordered interventions: If appropriate, your attorney may request that the court order therapeutic or educational interventions to address the impact of parental alienation and help repair the damaged parent-child relationship.

Preventing Parental Alienation

While addressing parental alienation that is already occurring is essential, taking preventative measures can be equally important. To minimize the risk of parental alienation, consider:

1. Maintaining open communication: Promote regular and open communication with your child and the other parent to foster a positive co-parenting relationship.

2. Staying informed: Be aware of your child’s emotional state and well-being, and actively seek information about their experiences, concerns, or feelings regarding interactions with both parents.

3. Engaging in therapy: Participating in family or individual therapy can help identify and address potential alienating behavior before it becomes harmful to the parent-child relationship.


Parental alienation in child custody cases is a complex issue with far-reaching effects on the child’s emotional well-being and the parent-child relationship. By working with a skilled family law attorney and actively engaging in efforts to prevent and address parental alienation, you can protect the best interests of your child and preserve your relationship with them.

If you suspect parental alienation is happening in your child custody case, contact Zhamakochyan Family Law for a consultation. Our team of compassionate and knowledgeable professionals will work closely with you to develop a strategy that protects your child’s well-being and your relationship with them.